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Is Your Child Growing New Teeth? | Cheeeese

Is Your Child Growing New Teeth? | Cheeeese

Parenthood is such a beautiful journey. We look forward to our children achieving all milestones at the ideal age. The first time our baby turned around, the first time he stood up on his own, his first steps, the first words he uttered in a hardly understandable yet very cute language. These wonderful memories stay with us even after our children grow up into adults.


Most parents start worrying if their children do not achieve a milestone at a certain age. There's no need to run to the doctor if it happens. Every child is different and learns different things at different ages.


The same is the case when it comes to your children's teeth. There's no specific age for children to get their first teeth, falling out of milk teeth, and replace them with permanent ones.


This tooth gaining, falling, and then gaining again is an exciting journey for parents and children. To ensure that this journey remains fun and exciting and does not change into a nightmare at any stage, there are some tips for you to follow.


Let's check how this journey goes on and how you can help your child go through it successfully and happily.

What Happens When Children get their Milk Teeth replaced with Permanent Ones?

Various questions worry parents about their children’s teeth growth. Hold on, and do not let them destroy your and your child’s peace. Below are the most common ones of them.

At what age should my child have the first permanent tooth?

The mandibular central incisors - I'll make it simpler. The bottom front teeth are usually the first ones to fall out and get replaced with permanent teeth. This process starts happening around the age of 6 to 7.


But this could be delayed or happen earlier, as much as a year. This means that if your daughter's first tooth fell out at the age of 5 or maybe 8, then it doesn't mean she lacks calcium, nor does she have some excess of it (a common myth associated with early or delayed falling out of teeth).


However, if your child loses a tooth too early, it might be due to tooth decay which is usually quite obvious. In such cases, it is advisable to get an evaluation by an orthodontist.

Here is a chart to give you an idea of the ages at which children usually have their teeth replaced.



Upper central incisors

7 to 8 years

Lower central incisors

6 to 7 years

Upper lateral incisor

8 to 9 years

Lower lateral incisor

7 to 8 years

Upper canine

11 to 12 years

Lower canine

9 to 11 years

Upper first premolar

10 to 11 years

Lower first premolar

10 to 12 years

Upper second premolar

10 to 12 years

Lower second premolar

11 to 13 years

Upper first molar

5.5 to 7 years

Lower first molar

5.5 to 7 years

Upper second molar

12 to 14 years

Lower second molar

12 to 14 years

Upper third molar (wisdom tooth)

17 to 30 years

Lower third molar (wisdom tooth)

17 to 30 years

Why are my child’s permanent teeth taking too long to come in?

Your child has lost a tooth, but Tooth Fairy hasn't rewarded them with a replacement yet. Should you be worried? Not necessarily. Not even if most of your child's classmates have replaced most of their teeth with permanent ones.


Some children lose milk teeth and grow permanent teeth at a unique pace. My son got his replaced at age 5, while my daughter got them after 7. Both are healthy.


However, if you notice that the eruption time is extended as much as a year, then there might be some hidden reason that your child's orthodontist will reveal after an examination.


Some possible causes of the failure of the eruption of a permanent tooth are:


  • Not wide enough space for a tooth to erupt.
  • An impacted tooth (with an incorrectly positioned tooth bud) needs some treatment to erupt. The treatment depends upon the cause of impaction.
  • Have you heard of hypodontia? That’s a condition where teeth never develop to erupt. This condition also needs a medical diagnosis, and the dentist may recommend the treatment depending on the location and number of missing teeth.

What shall I do when permanent teeth start growing without the falling out of primary ones?

Have you recently noticed a double layer of teeth developing in your child's mouth? Do not worry, and trust me. Your child neither belongs to the species of elephants nor sharks. He is completely normal, and this happens more commonly than you think.


When a permanent tooth starts to develop, it pushes through the primary tooth's roots to erupt. As a result, the roots become loose and the tooth to be replaced falls out.


However, if the emerging tooth does not push in the proper direction, it comes out without losing the roots of the deciduous tooth. Hence, the primary tooth doesn't have to fall out to give space to a new one. You see 'shark teeth' in your child's mouth.   


In most cases, the baby teeth fall down naturally, and the permanent teeth take their place gradually. Your child doesn't need any treatment.


However, if it doesn't happen naturally, your child's dentist may recommend a tooth extraction to avoid some problems.


The most common problems that your child may face due to shark teeth include


  • Hindrance in proper brushing of teeth
  • They may cause pain or discomfort.
  • Aesthetic problems
  • Improper growth of permanent teeth may lead to orthodontic problems.


If you notice your child struggling with any of the problems mentioned above, take him/her to the dentist.

What are ‘Six Year Molars’?

Children usually develop their first pair of permanent molar teeth around age 6 or 7. This is why they are commonly referred to as '6-year molars'. It is the first set of permanent teeth your child grows without replacing his/her primary teeth at age six.


Your child may experience gum discomfort for up to about a week when their molars are close to breaking the gum line.


These teeth have a great role in determining the shape of your child's face by preserving the arch shape of upper and lower teeth and aligning the top and bottom jaws.

How to Help a Child Going Through Teeth Replacement Phase?

Tooth eruption can sometimes be painful for your child, and it's heartbreaking to see him/her in pain. The pain of eruption comes from the cutting of gums through which the tooth is emerging. It may continue until the tooth takes its permanent position.


Here are a few tips that may relieve your child's pain:


  • Massage the area of the swollen gum. This will help with the discomfort. Please ensure your fingers are clean, or you will give your child some other pain.
  • Use of anesthetic creams will subside the pain for some time. Use them specifically at night to help your child have a peaceful night's sleep.
  • Ice packs can help relieve pain and ease discomfort.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used if your child is experiencing intense pain. Be careful about the recommended dosage.

Let’s Make Your Child’s Tooth Replacement More Exciting

Children get their first teeth, usually between the age of 6 months to 1 year. At this age, they are too young to understand what's happening.


Contrary to that, children are wise enough to understand and enjoy every twist and turn in the situation at the age of losing milk teeth and growing permanent teeth.


Shedding off the teeny baby teeth to get something bigger and permanent is truly exciting for parents and children. This is among the first signs that your little angel will be a grown-up soon.


Parents have associated interesting stories and myths with falling teeth. The most common one is about a Tooth Fairy who (God knows for what reason) needs those fallen-out teeth. Children slip their fallen teeth under the pillow, and the Tooth Fairy rewards them in return.


Some other cultures and traditions incorporate mice and birds into the toothy tradition. My mom told me to bury my tooth in my backyard so a new one could grow. I never wondered why the new one would grow out into my mouth if I buried the seed in the backyard.


Apart from these myths, it's important to keep your kids calm when losing deciduous teeth and getting permanent ones. Children usually fear the blood oozing out of their gums when a tooth falls out (although the procedure is naturally painless). When you start noticing that the tooth is getting loose, start telling your child that everyone (including you) goes through this phase, and it is essential to have permanent teeth.


It is the best time to help your child realize the value of keeping his mouth and teeth clean, as they won't be able to get a new set of teeth once the permanent set has replaced the deciduous one.


As a parent, you are the best support for your children through every phase of their life. Do not forget to make a lot of memories with them. Take their pictures and short video clips. This phase will pass soon, and you will miss those jack-o-lantern smiles.

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